Popular South American Adult Books

Find adult books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (29)


A Long Petal of the Sea : A Novel by Isabel Allende EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The House of the Spirits, this epic novel spanning decades and crossing continents follows two young people as they flee the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War in search of a place to call home. “One of the most richly imagined portrayals of the Spanish Civil War to date, and one of the strongest and most affecting works in [Isabel Allende’s] long career.”—The New York Times Book Review NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Esquire • Good Housekeeping • Parade In the late 1930s, civil war grips Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succ... continue


A pediatra by Andréa del Fuego PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Cecília é o oposto do que se imagina de uma pediatra – uma mulher sem espírito maternal, pouco apreço por crianças e zero paciência para os pais e mães que as acompanham. Porém a medicina era um caminho natural para ela, que seguiu os passos do pai. Apesar de sua frieza com os pacientes, ela tem um consultório bem-sucedido, mas aos poucos se vê perdendo lugar para um pediatra humanista, que trabalha com doulas, parteiras e acompanha até partos domiciliares. Mesmo a obstetra cesarista com quem Cecília sempre... continue


Adultery by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
#1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the extraordinary author of the international bestselling sensation The Alchemist comes a provocative novel that explores the question of what it means to live life fully and happily. "A compelling tale of existential angst, marital betrayal and sexual sin.” —The Chicago Tribune I want to change. I need to change. I'm gradually losing touch with myself. Adultery, the novel by Paulo Coelho, best-selling author of The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, searches for the balance between life's routine and the desire for something new. “Propulsive.... A compelling tale... continue


Bad Girls : A Novel by Camila Sosa Villada EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Gritty and unflinching, yet also tender, fantastical, and funny, a trans woman’s tale about finding a community on the margins. In Sarmiento Park, the green heart of Córdoba, a group of trans sex workers make their nightly rounds. When a cry comes from the dark, their leader, the 178-year-old Auntie Encarna, wades into the brambles to investigate and discovers a baby half dead from the cold. She quickly rallies the pack to save him, and they adopt the child into their fascinating surrogate family as they have so many other outcasts, including Camila. Sheltered in Auntie Encarna’s fabled pink h... continue


Cometierra by Dolores Reyes ES

0 Ratings
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño EN

0 Ratings
The star in this hair-raising novel is Alberto Ruiz-Tagle, an Air Force pilot who exploits the 1973 coup in Chile to launch his own version of the New Chilean Poetry, a multimedia enterprise that symbolizes the darkness of Pinochet's regime.


Eartheater by Dolores Reyes ES

Rating: 3 (7 votes)
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Forgotten Journey by Silvina Ocampo EN

0 Ratings
Delicately crafted, intensely visual, deeply personal stories explore the nature of memory, family ties, and the difficult imbalances of love.

Hundert Augen

Hundert Augen by Samanta Schweblin DE

0 Ratings
Sie haben Häuser in Hongkong infiltriert, Geschäfte in Vancouver, die Straßen Sierra Leones, Marktplätze in Oaxaca, Schulen in Tel Aviv, Schlafzimmer in Indiana. Sie sind überall. Sie sind hier. Sie sind wir. Sie sind keine Haustiere, Geister oder Roboter. Sie sind wirkliche Menschen. Aber wie kann sich jemand, der in Berlin ist, frei durch ein Wohnzimmer in Sydney bewegen? Und wie kann jemand in Bangkok mit deinen Kindern in Buenos Aires frühstücken, ohne dass du davon weißt? Besonders wenn diese Person komplett anonym ist, unbekannt und unauffindbar? Samanta Schweblin erzählt vom Vertrauen i... continue


It Is Wood, It Is Stone : A Novel by Gabriella Burnham EN

0 Ratings
"Takes place over the course of a year in Säao Paulo, Brazil, [where] which two women's lives intersect: Linda, an anxious and restless American ... and [her] skilled maid Marta, [who] has more claim to Linda's home than she can fathom. [This is a] debut novel by young Brazilian American author Gabriella Burnham ... about women whose romantic and subversive entanglements reflect on class and colorism, sexuality, and complex, divisive histories"--